I like this weeks lesson on recursions. Its more... problem solving, and thinking logically. Most of the time a bunch of the coding for me is, well trial and error, until I get either get it right or give up. But for recursion it's different somehow. I wasn't able to go to the lab this week due to an appointment, so I really wish we were given the handout online so we can try the lab out on our own. Maybe it is online and I just don't know?
I think i'm still lacking in my confidence towards my coding ability, maybe Dan can give us some non-marked homework weekly so we can practice each lesson. This would be extremely helpful because 1. No stress and we can practice at any time, and 2. More practice the better!
Actually I think i'll suggest this to Dan myself right now, hopefully it goes through.
You know you go to UTM when you actually ask for more homework right? I know that's what labs are for, but those are within a time period, so it is somewhat strained.
I like your blog's title, it's funny! There are a lot of ways to practice recursion in Python at your own time. Also the labs are posted online on the course website which is located at: https://cs.utm.utoronto.ca/~zingarod/148/